Earth Day Sunday Resources

April 6, 2006

Originally published in URI North America: Briefings.

The Presbyterian Church (USA) has a great website on social justice from an environmental viewpoint, particularly focused on Gulf coast communities devasted by Katrina and other hurricanes in 2005. While they say "[a]s Christians, we are called to see the connection between our care for God's creation and all of God's people," the site should be helpful for any religious or interfaith group interested in promoting environmental justice within their communities and organizations.

Another helpful resource is from the National Council of Churches of Christ:

Through the Eye of a Hurricane is an ecumenical resource that churches can use to plan for Earth Day Sunday on April 23 or another dedicated Sunday. The resource, which is available for free on NCC Eco-Justice Program website , outlines some of the critical environmental issues that surfaced following the storms: the impact of climate change, wetlands and coastal barriers, water quality, toxic contamination as well as environmental racism on God's creation and God's people. It also highlights how Christians can respond to this crisis in their churches and local communities.