Positive spiritual, religious, and interfaith news for the international community

Editorial Policy

General Policy

InterfaithNews.Net (INN) publishes articles from many different authors and sources. In choosing what to publish, our overriding concerns are: is it consistent with our mission of publishing positive and spiritual and religious news? Does it further interfaith work the world over, or otherwise promote the common weal? Is it non-partisan and more unifying than dividing? Thus while we clearly believe all articles here have value, the opinions and views expressed therein do not necessarily reflect those of the editorial staff, the United Religions Initiative, or other sponsors and partners.

User Comments

In the interest of promoting dialogue and a diversity of viewpoints, a section for comments is made available in most articles — particularly those of an editorial nature. Readers are encouraged to provide feedback or further thoughts in this forum, as well as submit their own articles through the Contact page. Comments are considered to be owned by the poster; while we take no responsibility for their content, we reserve the right to remove comments that are abusive of others or infringe on copyright laws.

Financial Support and Advertising

In no case has financial support been received for publishing specific articles. Advertisements that may appear on the website are clearly labeled as such. We are willing to except gratis copies of published material for review but cannot guarantee that we will publish a positive review. All advertising and/or referral fees are donated directly to interfaith organizations.

Article Contributions

Contributing an article here means that you grant INN perpetual, non-exclusive serial rights to publish it at http://www.interfaithnews.net. You also acknowledge that INN’s editor has the exclusive right to choose whether or not to publish a particular article, and you grant the editor the right to edit submissions for formatting, spelling, and grammar. We will only make major editorial revisions in consultation with you.

By submitting an article or comments here, you also warrant that you are either the original author or are otherwise authorized to distribute the work. Any work found to be plagiarized or submitted in violation of copyright laws will be removed immediately. If you are the author, you may wish to submit your article under a Creative Commons license in order to clarify your distribution rights; otherwise, it is assumed that you reserve all rights due to you under international copyright conventions.

If an article of yours is rejected, please don’t be discouraged — feel free to continue sending new articles in the future, as long they are relevant to the intended audience and remain largely non-partisan (not showing extreme favor to particular political or religious groups).

Editorial Disclaimer: The opinions and views expressed above do not necessarily reflect those of the editorial staff, the United Religions Initiative, or other sponsors and partners. See the Editorial Policy for more details.

Published and produced by s.a.f. net. Design copyright © 2021, Stephen A. Fuqua. All rights reserved.

Contents copyright of respective authors and may not be reproduced except content authored by Stephen A. Fuqua, which are published under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike 3.0 License.